Well, to update: Happy (Late) Halloween, everyone! Who else dressed up and went trick-or-treating? :D
Oh, yes! I can't forget to say this: someone at my school cosplayed as Yuki Cross!
Okay, so this isn't such a good picture of Yuki-chan, but hey, it was the best I could do on such short notice. Anyways, disclaimer time~! Vampire Knight (c) Matsuri Hino |
It's Anime North (May 27-29) and we get a $15 discount! Yay!
If my mom agrees to let me go, I'm definitely cosplaying as Haruhi Suzumiya. I already have the headband...somewhere around here. All I need to make is the actual uniform, and my club leaders said that we'll be doing that later on in the year. So, I'm fangirling right now! *squee!*
Though my personality is more Mikuru-like, I look like Haruhi! Well, then again...not many asians have ORANGE hair. Haruhi Suzumiya (c) Nagaru Tanigawa & Noizi Ito |
We watched a few episodes of Yu-Gi-Oh: The Abridged Series and Naruto: The Abridged Series in a couple of our Anime Club's meetings. Ah...it's hilarious. If you haven't heard "Leather Pants", I command you to look it up now! Just google "Yugioh Leather Pants" or something. It should come up.
Basically, it's a spoof of Lady Gaga's Bad Romance, except it's MUCH funnier. Make sure you watch the video, too. x]
Today we watched Higurashi. But I missed like, the first half of it! (Stupid X-Country meets...) The way they illustrate it reminds me of Future Diary. Especially the close-ups. Nevertheless, it's awesome. Go watch it. Now. :D
Er...what else? That's it, I think. I drew a picture for Halloween! It's on my dA account, so you can check that out! I think it's the...third newest deviation?
I also uploaded some DRRR!! fanfic here. The first one can also be found on dA, but the quality is better on FF.net. So, you might want to read it there instead... (Self-promotion time~! Read and Review please! Reviews make Saki-kun - that's me - happy!)
A note: I tend to talk in third person...when I get hyper. So, if you ever see "nyo" or "Saki-kun" or "Karin-chan" (though I don't use that one a lot), then...now you know what I'm saying.
Okay! I'll shut up now. *shot*
Until next time! Ja ne, minna-san!